I am a huge advocate for platelet rich plasma (PRP) and regenerative injection therapies in my practice. Especially when it comes to knee pain. But I was not always a believer. My own health journey with chronic knee pain demonstrates perfectly how conventional orthopedic treatments often fail and just how powerful PRP can be.
My Story:
As an avid wakeboarder and snowboarder for most of my life, I was heartbroken when I tore my meniscus at 20 years old. I remember the “POP” when I fell wakeboarding. I felt like my life was over. The doctor prescribed rest, ice, NSAIDs, and physical therapy. For 1 year, I tried to rehab the knee without success. I finally went in to the orthopedic doc for an MRI. He told me that the MRI showed nothing, but on the x-ray my knee "looked like a 50 year old’s." He recommended an exploratory surgery. In my frustration, I accepted.
During the surgery, a small tear was found and repaired in my medial meniscus. The problem was that after the surgery, the pain never really went away.
For the next 6 years my pain got worse. I could not run. I could not wakeboard or snowboard. The thought of hiking made my knee throb. I was really at the end of my rope. The problem was that I hated my options; Cortisone shot or another surgery….
Around this time, I had graduated from medical school and finished my residency in family medicine. I started hearing about stem cell therapy/PRP treatments and how it might be possible to regenerate damaged tissue. I was so fascinated that I decided to become trained in regenerative medicine. Don’t get me wrong, I was still a skeptic.
Even after my first several patients had miraculous recoveries with PRP, I didn’t completely buy it. It was not until I injected my own knee with PRP that my view changed. Within 3 weeks, my knee felt better than it had in 6 years. Within 3 months I was almost pain free. I did 1 more PRP injection at this point and that sealed the deal.
The verdict:
I am back doing all the activities that I love; wakeboarding, snowboarding, and I even picked up surfing over the past few years. I went back to an orthopedist and had another x-ray taken recently. The cartilage had completely healed (AKA my knee no longer looked like a 50 year old’s).
Why this is significant for your knee pain:
My knee was not going to heal on it's own. It had been 6 years and the pain was getting worse. 2 PRP shots was all it took to heal my knee and get back pursuing my passions.
If you have a joint or muscle injury; tendonitis, arthritis, tears, sprains/strains, Do NOT jump straight to a cortisone shot or surgery. You likely have OTHER options. Find a doctor you trust that offers regenerative injection therapies.
For more success stories check out reviews from actual patients!

Interested in PRP? Click Here to schedule for a FREE Discovery Call with Dr. Stirrett to learn if this might be a good treatment option for you and your pain.
Stay tuned for more info on regenerative medicine!